Takofuji / Octopus and Wisteria | 2012, 727×500mm | Japanese paper, mineral pigments, Chinese ink
The Gold Award in Art Competition in London
We've updated informations of Career.
Scarlet Vortex
2008, 910×606mm
Japanese paper, mineral pigments,Chinese ink
Scarlet Vortex
2008, 910×606mm
Japanese paper, mineral pigments,Chinese ink
Passiflora #1
2017, 208×208mm
Japanese paper, mineral pigments, Chinese ink
Passiflora #2
2017, 208×208mm
Japanese paper, mineral pigments, Chinese ink
Passiflora #3
2017, 208×208mm
Japanese paper, mineral pigments, Chinese ink
Passiflora #4
2017, 208×208mm
Japanese paper, mineral pigments, Chinese ink
Eyes of Blue Dog | 2017, 245×420mm | Japanese paper, mineral pigments, Chinese ink
The Gold Award in Art Competition in London / Royal College of Art Henry Moore Gallery (London)
『蛸藤』(紙本着彩)金賞 / 世界芸術競技 in ロンドン (ロンドン)
The Excellence Award in International painting and calligraphy prize exhibition (Tokyo)
『蛸藤』(絹本着彩)優秀賞 / 国際書画大賞展 (東京)
Solo exhibition / D-Contemporary (London, 2017)
個展 / D-Contemporary (ロンドン、2017)
Art Competition in London / Royal College of Art Henry Moore Gallery(London, 2012)
芸術競技 in ロンドン / 王立芸術大学ヘンリームーアギャラリー (ロンドン、2012)
16th Art of Japan: selected artist exhibition / The Ueno Royal Museum(Tokyo, 2011)
第16回日本の美術選抜作家展 / 上野の森美術館 (東京, 2011)
Solo exhibition / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (Ibaraki, 2008)
個展 / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (茨城、2008)
International painting and calligraphy prize exhibition (Tokyo, 2008)
国際書画大賞展 (東京、2008)
Solo exhibition / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (Ibaraki, 2006)
個展 / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (茨城、2006)
Two people exhibition / switch point (Tokyo, 2006)
二人展 / switch point (東京、2006)
3D Noh Extreme / Art director / Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo, 2018)
『3D能エクストリーム』美術監督 / 東京芸術劇場 (東京、2018)
Nigorie / Art products (Director Shutaro Oku, 2018)
『にごりえ』美術制作 (奥秀太郎監督、ベネツィア短編映画祭招待作品、2018)
Daijirin 4th edition / Sanseido Co., Ltd.
『大辞林第4版』図版作成 / 三省堂
Sanseido Japanese Dictionary 7th edition / Sanseido Co., Ltd.
『三省堂国語辞典第7版』図版作成 / 三省堂
ARTBOX vol.8 Artist file Contemporary ART / ART BOX international
『ARTBOX vol.8 現代美術作家ファイル』作品掲載 / ART BOX international
Web column "Life in the Heian period seens in picture scrolls" / Sanseido Co., Ltd.
ウェブコラム『絵巻で見る 平安時代の暮らし』挿画 / 三省堂
The Gold Award in Art Competition in London / Royal College of Art Henry Moore Gallery (London)
The Excellence Award in International painting and calligraphy prize exhibition (Tokyo)
『蛸藤』(紙本着彩)金賞 / 世界芸術競技 in ロンドン (ロンドン)
『蛸藤』(絹本着彩)優秀賞 / 国際書画大賞展 (東京)
Solo exhibition / D-Contemporary (London, 2017)
Art Competition in London / Royal College of Art Henry Moore Gallery(London, 2012)
16th Art of Japan: selected artist exhibition / The Ueno Royal Museum(Tokyo, 2011)
Solo exhibition / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (Ibaraki, 2008)
International painting and calligraphy prize exhibition (Tokyo, 2008)
Solo exhibition / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (Ibaraki, 2006)
Two people exhibition / switch point (Tokyo, 2006)
個展 / D-Contemporary (ロンドン、2017)
芸術競技 in ロンドン / 王立芸術大学ヘンリームーアギャラリー (ロンドン、2012)
第16回日本の美術選抜作家展 / 上野の森美術館 (東京, 2011)
個展 / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (茨城、2008)
国際書画大賞展 (東京、2008)
個展 / Takashi Saitoh Gallery (茨城、2006)
二人展 / switch point (東京、2006)
3D Noh Extreme / Art director / Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo, 2018)
Nigorie / Art products (Director Shutaro Oku, 2018)
『3D能エクストリーム』美術監督 / 東京芸術劇場 (東京、2018)
『にごりえ』美術制作 (奥秀太郎監督、ベネツィア短編映画祭招待作品、2018)
Daijirin 4th edition / Sanseido Co., Ltd.
Sanseido Japanese Dictionary 7th edition / Sanseido Co., Ltd.
ARTBOX vol.8 Artist file Contemporary ART / ART BOX international
『大辞林第4版』図版作成 / 三省堂
『三省堂国語辞典第7版』図版作成 / 三省堂
『ARTBOX vol.8 現代美術作家ファイル』作品掲載 / ART BOX international
Web column "Life in the Heian period seens in picture scrolls" / Sanseido Co., Ltd.
ウェブコラム『絵巻で見る 平安時代の暮らし』挿画 / 三省堂
Japanese style painting
Born in Chiba, Japan. Studied traditional Japanese style painting in Musashino Art University. Won the Gold Award in Art Competition in London / Royal College of Art Henry Moore Gallery (London, 2012), the Excellence Award in International painting and calligraphy prize exhibition (Tokyo, 2008). Emigrated to London, England in 2014. She paints unique works using traditional Japanese techniques, tools and filtered through her modern sensibility. 16th Art of Japan: selected artist exhibition / The Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo), The exhibition at D-Contemporary in London in 2017 was the first large solo exhibition out of Japan.
After returning to Japan, works in the film or the entertainment industry. Art director in 3D Noh Extreme in 2018.
千葉県生まれ。武蔵野美術大学日本画家卒業。2008年に国際書画大賞展にて優秀賞受賞、2013年ロンドン国際美術競技会にて金賞受賞。2014年渡英。2017年ロンドンのD-Contemporary Galleryにて個展を開催。日本画の伝統技法と現代的感性を融合させた独特の作品を展開し注目される。
Japanese style painting
Born in Chiba, Japan. Studied traditional Japanese style painting in Musashino Art University. Won the Gold Award in Art Competition in London / Royal College of Art Henry Moore Gallery (London, 2012), the Excellence Award in International painting and calligraphy prize exhibition (Tokyo, 2008). Emigrated to London, England in 2014. She paints unique works using traditional Japanese techniques, tools and filtered through her modern sensibility. 16th Art of Japan: selected artist exhibition / The Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo), The exhibition at D-Contemporary in London in 2017 was the first large solo exhibition out of Japan.
After returning to Japan, works in the film or the entertainment industry. Art director in 3D Noh Extreme in 2018.
千葉県生まれ。武蔵野美術大学日本画家卒業。2008年に国際書画大賞展にて優秀賞受賞、2013年ロンドン国際美術競技会にて金賞受賞。2014年渡英。2017年ロンドンのD-Contemporary Galleryにて個展を開催。日本画の伝統技法と現代的感性を融合させた独特の作品を展開し注目される。
If you wish to order or ask about artworks, please make inquiries using the contact form.